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Video Discussion_Intro to American Government

Video Discussion_Intro to American Government

Q Which theory of interpretation do you find the most persuasive, and why (make sure you answer the "why" part!)? Next, consider the following questions and explain how you think justices using each theory would answer the question. How would an originalist such as Justice Scalia approach the issue? How would an interpretivist such as Breyer approach the issue? (Breyer doesn't use the term, but "interpretivist" is the term we use in PoliSci speak to describe a theory of interpretation that sees the Constitution as a living document that should evolve with time). 1. Abortion: Can states restrict access to abortions? 2. Gun Control: Can states restrict gun ownership?

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I found the originalist view to be more persuasive because i fell that is safer when it comes to take decisions in court and provide justice. Sometimes judges who believe in interpretivist view can bring his own elitist views in the decision and can interpret Constitution according to their will and convenience and in that the real meaning of the Constitution is lost which is why I support originalist view. Moreover, we can’t let our people decide on the matters of Constitution because that would mean there would be a huge debate that cannot be resolved as every citizen would have their own interpretations. Therefore, I find the originalist view better.